- Sparkling Wash Up Tablet
- Nourishing Hydration Moisturizing Water
- Daily protection mask
- Provides Moisture, Nutrition, and Brightening effects
- Clear pores and make skin whitening
- Best product for Anti-aging, Anti-wrinkle and Anti-oxidant
- Made in Korea
3 Types:
Aqua (Blue)
- Intensive Moisture Effect
- Makes clear and watery skin
Collagen (Gold)
- Intensive Nutrition Effect
- Makes Healthy and elastic skin
Vitamin (Red)
- Intensive Brightening Effect
- Makes clear and radiance skin
Capacity: 11/each box
- Cleanse and apply toner
- Apply mask adjusting around eyes and mouth
- Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes
- Remove mask and gently pat remaining until fully absorbed.